Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 11:00 am Categories:

BISMARCK, N.D. – With April 22-26, 2024, proclaimed as Severe Summer Weather Awareness Week in North Dakota, Insurance Commissioner Jon Godfread is encouraging North Dakotans to take steps now to prepare for severe summer weather.

When preparing, it’s important for consumers to review their homeowners insurance policy every year. Policyholders should meet with their insurance agent annually to review their coverage, as new construction or remodeling adds value to their homes and may increase replacement costs.

Additionally, consider obtaining a flood insurance policy for flash flooding or seasonal river flooding. Most standard homeowners policies do not include flood damage coverage. Flood insurance typically requires a 30-day waiting period before it becomes effective, so planning ahead is crucial.

“We really encourage North Dakotans to look at their policy and make sure they are covered as we approach summer,” said Godfread. “We all know that storms are increasing in severity and, should a devastating storm hit North Dakota, we want to alleviate potential headaches and financial losses down the road.”  

Godfread also encourages property owners to make a list of all possessions before severe weather strikes. This step can reduce stress when filing a claim if a loss occurs. Take note of brands and serial numbers of possessions. Photos are also helpful when determining the value of items.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) offers a free app for storing important information about possessions, making claim filing easy. Find the Home Inventory App in the App Store or Google Play.

If property damage occurs due to severe weather, the North Dakota Insurance Department can assist with issues and questions during the claims process. A post-disaster claims checklist is available here.