Independent or staff adjusters representing an insurance company do not require licensing in North Dakota. Unfortunately, because North Dakota law does not require licensing for an independent or staff adjuster, we do not have any rules, codes, or statutes that specifically state that.
Resident Individual
- Public adjuster examination.
- Criminal history record check to include fingerprinting.
- Application and $100 fee.
- Provide proof of surety bond for a minimum of $20,000.
- No exam is required if application received within 90 days of the cancellation of an applicant’s previous state’s public adjuster license.
- No exam required if the application is received within 12 months of the termination of the previous license in this state (resident or non-resident license status).
Non-resident Individual (Reciprocity)
- Application and $100 fee.
- Licensed as a resident public adjuster and in good standing in the home state.
- Provide proof of surety bond for a minimum of $20,000.
Business Entity (Resident and Non-resident)
- Business entity application form and $150 application fee.
- Designated responsible licensed producer (DRLP) – must designate a licensed resident or non-resident public adjuster.
- Provide proof of surety bond for a minimum of $20,000.
Renewal and Reinstatement:
Resident and Non-resident Individual Renewal
- Renews on the last day of the individual's birth month.
- Renewal application and $25 fee.
Resident and Non-resident Individual Reinstatement
- May reinstate within 12 months with a $150 reinstatement fee – no exam required.
Business Entity Renewal (Resident and Non-resident)
- Expires on the two-year anniversary of issuance.
- Renewal application and $150 fee.
- 30-day grace period following expiration date with $125 late renewal fee in addition to the $150 renewal fee for a total of $275.
- The reapplication fee is $150.
Effective July 1, 2019, the North Dakota consultant license will no longer include the authority to act as a public adjuster. Individuals who currently hold an active consultant license in North Dakota and act as a public adjuster will need to reapply for the new public adjuster license.
Effective July 1, 2019, North Dakota will issue both individual and business entity public adjuster licenses.