We're here to help!
Email the Producer Licensing Division
or call (701) 328-2440.
Are you a veteran who has taken or plan to take an insurance producer exam? You could qualify for a reimbursement!
Insurance Licensing Examination
As of March 2022, PSI is the exam vendor for the North Dakota Insurance Producers License Examinations. Effective The exam will also change from a two-part exam to a one-part exam.
Scheduling with PSI is now available.
Voluntarily Cancel my License
To voluntarily cancel your North Dakota insurance producer license, complete, date and sign the Voluntary Cancellation Request or Removal of Line(s) of Authority (SFN 53881) form and fax or mail it to the North Dakota Insurance Department.
Reinstate a Canceled License
Visit the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) to apply for a new license. The initial license fee is $100.
Frequently Asked Questions
I passed the state’s required tests, how do I obtain my license?
You can apply for a license by visiting the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR). The fee is $100.
If I live in Moorhead, MN, and my producing office is in North Dakota, do I need to license myself through Minnesota initially or can I get licensed in North Dakota then add Minnesota later?
According to N.D.C.C. § 26.1-26-19, an applicant may qualify as a resident if the applicant resides in this state or maintains the applicant’s principal place of business in this state. Therefore, North Dakota law allows you to take prequalifying exams in North Dakota and apply for a North Dakota resident license. Once you obtain a North Dakota resident license, you can apply for a Minnesota non-resident license.
The other option is to obtain your Minnesota resident license and then obtain a North Dakota non-resident license.
What is the process to change from a resident license to a non-resident license?
Request a Letter of Clearance from the North Dakota Insurance Department by submitting a Request for Letter of Clearance (SFN 60808) form by email, fax or mail. If a producer wants to cancel his or her North Dakota resident license, the Department needs a current mailing address to which the Letter of Clearance will be sent.
If a producer wants to switch their North Dakota resident license to a non-resident license, the producer should request a non-resident license in the Request for Letter of Clearance. There is no fee to switch a resident license to a non-resident license.
Will I receive a renewal license in the mail?
Licenses are not mailed following renewals. You may print a copy of your license through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) State Based Systems (SBS).
Do you email or mail the renewal notice?
Renewal notifications are sent electronically. It is the producer's responsibility to ensure that their email address is current.
To ensure receipt of important licensing notices/updates, you must maintain your email address. Visit the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) to add or change your email address.
I took all of my continuing education (CE). Why did my license expire?
Renewing a producer license is a two-part process. A producer must be in compliance with continuing education (CE), must complete the renewal application and pay the renewal fee prior to their expiration date.
How is my expiration date determined?
The expiration date is the last day of the producer’s birth month. The license is renewed biennially.
Is a license number assigned to agents or is the Social Security Number (SSN) or National Producer Number (NPN) used?
The National Producer Number (NPN) is used as the license number in North Dakota.
Do you mail an initial or first time license?
The North Dakota Insurance Department does not mail licenses. You may print a copy of your license by visiting the National Association of Insurance Commissioner's (NAIC) State Based Systems (SBS).
Does North Dakota require a background check and fingerprints to become licensed?
North Dakota Century Code requires all initial resident license applicants to be fingerprinted. This requirement does not apply to individuals renewing a license or individuals who apply for a license within 12 months after their license was cancelled or expired, unless the license was suspended or revoked.
How long before an insurance license expires can I renew it?
Producers have a 90-day window in which to renew their license prior to expiration.
I am in the process of getting my life and health/property and casualty license. Do I need to take any prelicensing courses?
North Dakota law no longer requires an individual to take prelicensing courses.