Effective January 1st 2025, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) will reduce the fee for fingerprint-based criminal history record checks from $11.25 to $10.00. Friday, December 27th will be the last day BCI will accept the Current Criminal History Record Check request form (SFN 60688). Starting Monday, December 30th, you must submit requests using the updated Criminal History Record Check Request Form (SFN 60688 12-2024). Any record request received with the current form and FBI fees (Current fee: $41.25, AFTER December 27th fee: $40.00) will be returned back to the subject who completed the record check form.
Prelicensing Education
North Dakota law does not require classroom instruction for an applicant preparing for examinations. Preparation can be done by classroom instruction or self-study and applicants will not have to provide verification of study to the North Dakota Insurance Department or the testing center.
Study material and classroom schedules can be obtained from a number of prelicensing providers. North Dakota does not require prelicense instruction; therefore, the information and materials given by prelicense providers is not approved or regulated. The Department cannot recommend one provider over another.
Prelicense Education Resources
At Your Pace Online |
Kaplan Financial Education |
0Chance2Fail |
National Online Insurance School (888) 770-3681 info@nationalonlineinsuranceschool.com www.nationalonlineinsuranceschool.com |
A. D. Banker & Company |
PIA of North Dakota |
A. D. Banker & Co of the Dakotas |
PTI-Professional Training Institute of America |
Computer Career Center LP, Dba: Vista College |
Solomon Exam Prep |
DR Training Company David or Renee Sogge, Coordinators 117 170th St. N Glyndon, MN 56547 (218) 498-0737 (218) 498-0738 Fax drtrainingce@loretel.net |
Sun Surety Insurance Company Michael Wood 21 Main St., Ste. 200 Rapid City, SD 57701 (605) 348-1000 mdkkwood@yahoo.com |
ExamFX |
WebCE, Inc. |
Insurance Training Associates, LLC Doug Harness 4504 SW Corbett Ave., Ste. 200 Portland, OR 97239 (877) 482-9764 doug@itaamerica.com www.itaamerica.com |
XCEL Solutions LLC 770-2 Square Lake Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 999-4923 support@xcelsolutions.com www.xcelsolutions.com |
Taking the Exam
The applicant must pass the appropriate exam for the lines of authority for which they are seeking to qualify. Exam scores are valid for one year after the date of the exam. The application for licensure must be received by the North Dakota Insurance Department within that year.
Exams are administered by PSI. For exam information or to schedule an exam, visit PSI's website.
For major lines of authority (Life & Annuity, Accident & Health, Property and Casualty), you must pass the appropriate exam.
Fingerprint Procedure
The Department does not accept digital fingerprints (i.e., Fieldprint), which are submitted electronically to BCI and FBI. We require hard-copy fingerprint cards.
Anyone applying to become a North Dakota resident insurance producer must undergo a criminal background check, which includes fingerprinting. This requirement does not apply to individuals renewing their license, individuals who apply for a license within 12 months after their license was canceled or expired, unless the license was suspended or revoked, or individual resident producers who are adding a line of authority to an existing license. All resident applicants applying for their initial resident insurance producer license must provide a set of fingerprints to the North Dakota Insurance Department for the purpose of conducting a state and national fingerprint-based criminal history records check. While fingerprinting can be done at PSI Test Centers, fingerprinting can also be done at other locations.
If you are printing at a PSI location:
- Applicants may be fingerprinted at one of the PSI test centers during regular testing hours on the day of examination. A fingerprinting processing fee of $29.00 is due to PSI, which can be paid by credit card, check, or money order.
- Applicants must provide PSI with a check or money order in the amount of $40 payable to the North Dakota Attorney General. Credit cards are not accepted.
- Upon completion of the fingerprinting, PSI will mail the signed consent form, fingerprint card, and North Dakota Attorney General payment ($40) directly to the North Dakota Insurance Department.
If you are self-submitting your prints:
- If the fingerprinting service conducting the fingerprints does ink prints, two fingerprint cards must be done. If the fingerprints are obtained by scanning, only one set of fingerprints is required, so only one card is needed. The fingerprint cards must be sealed in an envelope and initialed by the individual conducting the fingerprints.
- The applicant must include a check (no starter or counter checks), cashier’s check, or money order in the amount of $40, made payable to the North Dakota Attorney General. DO NOT SEND CASH.
The Applicant must MAIL the following items in a second large envelope to the address below:
- The fingerprint card(s) sealed and initialed by the fingerprint technician (please do not bend the cards);
- the completed Criminal History Record Check Request form, and
- the $40 fee made payable to the North Dakota Attorney General.
BISMARCK ND 58505-0320
Both forms must be completed:
Insurance Department Fingerprinting
Bureau of Criminal Investigation Background Check
If you are looking for a location to complete your fingerprinting, please email ndlicensing@nd.gov for a list of locations known to the Department.
No exam is required. However, all resident applicants applying for their initial resident insurance producer license must provide a set of fingerprints to the North Dakota Insurance Department for the purpose of conducting a state and national fingerprint-based criminal history records check. While fingerprinting can be done at PSI Test Centers, fingerprinting can also be done at other locations. If you are not having your fingerprints done at a PSI Test Center, contact the Producer Licensing Division of the North Dakota Insurance Department for more information.
An applicant applying for a resident license for title insurance is exempt from any examination requirement but must meet the following qualifications. The applicant must:
- Be a licensed abstracter or attorney; or
- Have a minimum of 80 hours of training provided by an insurer licensed in the line of title insurance. A certification by an insurer that the training has been completed must accompany the application.
- All resident applicants applying for their initial resident insurance producer license must provide a set of fingerprints to the North Dakota Insurance Department for the purpose of conducting a state and national fingerprint-based criminal history records check. While fingerprinting can be done at PSI Test Centers, fingerprinting can also be done at other locations. If you are not having your fingerprints done at a PSI Test Center, contact the Producer Licensing Division of the North Dakota Insurance Department for more information.
Test Center Locations
Bismarck - PSI
120 N 3rd St, Suite 75
Bismarck, ND
Bismarck - North Dakota Safety Council
1710 Canary Ave, Suite A
Bismarck, ND
Minot - Minot State University
500 University Ave. W
Center for Extended Learning - Administration Building, Room 361
Minot, ND
Grand Forks - University of North Dakota
2891 2nd Ave N - Stop 9063
Grand Forks, ND
Fargo - Fargo Training and Testing Center
4575 23rd Ave S, Suite 110
Fargo, ND
Williston - Williston State College
415 22nd Ave NE
Williston, ND
You must have an appointment to take an exam. Applicants also have the option to take the test via an online proctor. More information and instructions can be found in the PSI website.
Applying for a License
The fee for an initial application for an insurance producer license is $100.
You can submit your application electronically through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).
To submit a paper application, please print the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Uniform Application for Individual Producer License/Registration. Complete the application, sign and date it, attach a check or money order for $100 and send it to:
North Dakota Insurance Department
Producer Licensing Division
600 E Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58505-0320
It is important to make sure you answer all questions completely and disclose all information requested. You must disclose all criminal convictions and pending criminal charges. Question number one allows you to exclude misdemeanor traffic citations or convictions involving driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), driving without a license, reckless driving or driving with a suspended or revoked license and juvenile offenses. You must disclose all other criminal convictions and pending charges including, but not limited to, NSF checks and Minor in Possession. These criminal convictions must be disclosed regardless of when they occurred. See Bulletin 2009-2 for more information. If you have any questions about what needs to be disclosed, contact the North Dakota Insurance Department before submitting your application.
N.D.C.C. § 26.1-02.1-02.1 prohibits a person convicted of a felony involving dishonesty or breach of trust from participating in the business of insurance. A license cannot be issued to anyone with this type of conviction. Failure to make full disclosure may result in denial of your application.
Variable Life and Annuities
An applicant for the line of variable life and annuities must first be licensed as a securities salesperson with the North Dakota Securities Department (N.D.A.C. § 45-02-02-11).