Title is a limited line of authority used exclusively for producers who write only title insurance and no other property and casualty insurance. Title insurance relates to the sale of insurance that ensures the property being purchased is free from lien or hindrances and indemnifies the purchaser for the impact of the financial damage should an error occur.
A title license is required if writing a title insurance policy, marketing title insurance or being compensated for writing a title insurance policy.
An applicant applying for a resident license for title insurance is exempt from any examination requirement but must be a licensed abstracter or attorney, or must have a minimum of 80 hours of training provided by an insurer licensed in the line of title insurance. A certification by an insurer that the training has been completed must accompany the application.
A licensed attorney/abstracter in another state has to have a title license in their resident state before they can apply for a North Dakota title license.
If a business entity is doing insurance business in North Dakota by contracting with an insurance company to do business here (commissions on North Dakota business are paid through the agency’s tax ID number) and/or using the business name to market insurance in North Dakota, the entity must be licensed as an insurance producer. An appointment by the insurer is necessary if the business entity is marketing insurance for the insurer and acting as an agent of the insurer.
Every business entity must designate at least one individual principal insurance producer who holds a North Dakota insurance producer license and who will be responsible for the business entity's compliance with the insurance laws, rules and regulations in North Dakota. The designated responsible licensed producer (DRLP) must hold the lines of authority requested by the business entity. The business entity should also contact the North Dakota Secretary of State to ensure compliance with North Dakota corporate law.
You may apply for a resident or non-resident individual or business entity license through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).
It is important to make sure you answer all questions completely and disclose all information requested. You must disclose all criminal convictions and pending criminal charges. Question number one allows you to exclude misdemeanor traffic citations or convictions involving driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), driving without a license, reckless driving or driving with a suspended or revoked license and juvenile offenses. You must disclose all other criminal convictions and pending charges including, but not limited to, NSF checks and Minor in Possession. These criminal convictions must be disclosed regardless of when they occurred. See Bulletin 2009-2 for more information. If you have any questions about what needs to be disclosed, contact the North Dakota Insurance Department before submitting your application.
N.D.C.C. § 26.1-02.1-02.1 prohibits a person convicted of a felony involving dishonesty or breach of trust from participating in the business of insurance. A license cannot be issued to anyone with this type of conviction. Failure to make full disclosure may result in denial of your application.
Individual producers licensed for title have a biennial license renewal on their birth month. A renewal application can be submitted through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).
North Dakota business entity insurance producer licenses are perpetual without any renewal or continuation as long as the entity:
- Has at least one designated responsible licensed producer (DRLP) who holds an active North Dakota insurance producer license for the lines of authority on the business entity license; and
- Maintains its resident insurance producer license (if its home state issues insurance producer licenses to business entities); and
- Notifies the North Dakota Insurance Department of any change of address regarding the business entity within 30 days in accordance with N.D.C.C. § 26.1-26-33.
Your address cannot be updated by making changes on the renewal application. If the address is wrong or incomplete, you must file a separate address change request through the NIPR at no charge. After your application has been approved, you can confirm your new license expiration date through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) State Based Systems (SBS) Lookup Search.