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No bulletins were issued in 2022.
Bulletin 2021-1 Expansion of Telehealth Services
June 2, 2021
Bulletin 2021-2 Air Ambulance Preauthorization and Notification Requirements
July 6, 2021
Bulletin 2021-3 Value Added Products and Services/Rebates
July 30, 2021
Bulletin 2021-4 Insurance Data, Security, and Event Reporting
July 30, 2021
Bulletin 2021-5 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance
November 22, 2021
Bulletin 2021-5.1 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance (Supersedes Bulletins 2019-1 and 2021-5)
December 2, 2021
Bulletin 2020-1.1 Renewal of Bulletin 2020-1, Coverage for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Testing
April 29, 2020
Bulletin 2020-3 Expansion of Telehealth Services
March 24, 2020
Bulletin 2020-4 Expansion of Personal Lines Automobile Policies for Delivery Services
March 25, 2020
Bulletin 2020-5 Electronic Reporting and Deadline Extensions
March 25, 2020
Bulletin 2020-6 Social Distancing with Consumers During COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic
March 25, 2020
Bulletin 2020-7 Continuing Education Requirements - COVID-19
March 25, 2020
Bulletin 2020-8 Assistance for Consumers, Claimants and Covered Persons Impacted by COVID-19
March 30, 2020
Bulletin 2020-9 Continuing Education Requirements - COVID-19
April 22, 2020
Bulletin 2020-10 Antibody Testing - COVID-19
May 18, 2020
Bulletin 2020-12 COVID-19 Vaccination Administration Costs
Nov. 30, 2020
Bulletin 2019-1 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance
Nov. 14, 2019
Bulletin 2016-1 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance
Dec. 9, 2016
Bulletin 2015-1 Coordination of Benefits
Oct. 2, 2015
Bulletin 2015-2 2016 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance
Oct. 27, 2015
Bulletin 2015-3 Small Group Definition for Health Benefit Plans
Oct. 27, 2015
Bulletin 2011-1 Insurer Alert - Federal Disaster
June 8, 2011
Bulletin 2011-2 Insurer Alert - Preservation of Property
June 23, 2011
Bulletin 2011-3 Dependent Coverage to Age 26 Under State Law and Federal Law
Dec. 6, 2011
Bulletin 2011-4 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 2012
Dec. 8, 2011
Bulletin 2010-1 Certificates of Insurance
April 5, 2010
Bulletin 2010-2 Certificates of Deposit Classification
July 8, 2010
Bulletin 2010-3 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 2011
Nov. 29, 2010
Bulletin 2005-1 Automobile Warranty Programs - Senate Bill No. 2096
May 26, 2005
Bulletin 2005-2 Use of Loss History Information in Personal Lines
June 21, 2005
Bulletin 2005-3 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 2006
Oct. 24, 2005
Bulletin 2005-4 Marketing of Medicare Part D
Nov. 1, 2005
Bulletin 2003-1 Annuity Nonforfeiture Filing Procedure
July 31, 2003
Bulletin 2003-2 Definition of Managing General Agent
Sept. 8, 2003
Bulletin 2003-3 Certification of Deposit Classification
Sept. 8, 2003
Bulletin 2003-4 Coordination of Benefits
Oct. 9, 2003
Bulletin 2003-5 Policy, Form and Rate Filing Transmittal Form
Nov. 24, 2003
Bulletin 2003-6 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 2004
Dec. 1, 2003
Bulletin 2002-1 Equity Indexed Annuity Filing Requirements
Jan. 8, 2002
Bulletin 2002-2 USA PATRIOT Act of 2001
April 24, 2002
Bulletin 2002-4 New Consumer Credit Insurance Rules
Dec. 20, 2002
Bulletin 2002-5 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 2003
Dec. 30, 2003
Bulletin 2001-2 Delay in Insurance of Small-employee Coverage
May 29, 2001
Bulletin 2001-3 CHAND Notifications of HIPAA-eligible Applicants
June 1, 2001
Bulletin 2001-4 Small-employee Waiting Periods
June 1, 2001
Bulletin 2001-5 Involuntary Complications of Pregnancy Coverage
July 24, 2001
Bulletin 2001-6 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 2002
Dec. 3, 2001
Bulletin 2000-1 Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998
Jan. 10, 2000
Bulletin 2000-2 Promissory Note Investment Scam
June 8, 2000
Bulletin 2000-3 Interest-bearing/retained Asset Accounts as a Death Benefit Settlement Option
Aug. 3, 2000
Bulletin 2000-4 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 2001
Dec. 1, 2000
Bulletin 99-1 Year 2000 Compliance
Feb. 3, 1999
Bulletin 99-2 Recission of Bulleting 98-3 - Interest-bearing Accounts as a Settlement Option
Feb.18, 1999
Bulletin 99-3 48/96 Hour Maternity Mandate
Nov. 12, 1999
Bulletin 99-4 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 2000
Nov. 29, 1999
Bulletin 99-5 Certificates of Creditable Coverage
Nov. 30, 1999
Bulletin 99-6 Post Year 2000 Reporting Requirements and Performing Data Archives
Nov. 30, 1999
Bulletin 98-1 Policy, Form and Rate Filing Transmittal Form Effective July 1, 1998
May 23, 1998
Bulletin 98-2 Compliance with the Auto Accident Reparations Act, N.D.C.C. Ch. 26.1-41
May 27, 1998
Bulletin 98-3 Interest-bearing Accounts as a Settlement Option
Sept. 28, 1998
Bulletin 98-4 North Dakota Insurance Department's Position on Application Fees and Association Dues
Sept. 28, 1998
Bulletin 98-5 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 1999
Dec. 1, 1998
Bulletin 97-1 Deferral of Premium Payments and Policy Time Frames for Flood Victims in the Red River Valley
April 23, 1997
Bulletin 97-2 Indexed Annuity and Life Products
Aug. 1, 1997
Bulletin 97-3 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 1998
Dec. 3, 1997
Bulletin 97-4 Attorney General's Opinion 97-04
Dec. 15, 1997
Bulletin 95-1 Compliance with N.D.A.C. § 45-06-05-09.2(1)(f) and Suggested Language
Feb. 22, 1995
Bulletin 95-2 Small Employer/Employee Health Insurance Law and Regulation Update and Clarification
June 7, 1995
Bulletin 95-3 Disclosure and Use of Provider Discounts
Nov. 17, 1995
Bulletin 95-4 Interpretive Guidelines Regarding House Bill No. 1050
Nov. 17, 1995
Bulletin 95-5 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 1996
Dec. 1, 1995
Bulletin 93-1 Amendment to Bulletin 92-7
Feb. 12, 1993
Bulletin 93-2 Survey of 1992 Accident and Health Experience
June 4, 1993
Bulletin 93-3 1993 Insurance Legislation Company Compliance with Newly Enacted Statutes
June 17, 1993
Bulletin 93-4 Automobile Warranty Contracts
Aug. 9, 1993
Bulletin 93-5 Implementation of Small Employer/Employee Health Insurance Act (N.D.C.C. Chapter 26.1-36.3)
Nov. 4, 1993
Bulletin 93-6 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 1994
Dec. 28, 1993
Bulletin 92-1 N.D.C.C. Chapter 26.1-26.4 - Regulation of Utilization Review Agents
Jan. 15, 1992
Bulletin 92-3 Prima Facie Credit Insurance Rates
March 24, 1992
Bulletin 92-4 Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund "Reasonable Costs"
Bulletin 92-6 Recent Supreme Court Case West Plains Electric Cooperative
Aug. 27, 1992
Bulletin 92-7 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota 1993
Dec. 14, 1992
Bulletin 91-1 1991 Insurance Legislation Company Compliance with Newly Enacted Statutes
April 24, 1991
Bulletin 91-3 Required Form 99 Filing Related to Income Tax-exempt Organizations
Dec. 1991
Bulletin 91-4 Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Fund Reasonable Costs
Bulletin 91-5 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota in 1992
Dec. 3, 1991
Bulletin 91-6 N.D.A.C. Chapter 45-06-01.1 - Medicare Supplement Insurance Minimum Standards and Open Enrollment
Dec. 19, 2020
Bulletin 91-7 Physician's Limiting Charge - Medicare Beneficiaries
Dec. 19, 2020
Bulletin 90-1 Prospective Loss Costs Filing Procedures
March 15, 1990
Bulletin 90-4 Regulation of Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI)
Oct. 16, 1990
Bulletin 90-5 Guidelines for Implementation of 65 Percent Loss Ratio for Individual Medicare Supplement Policies
Oct. 26, 1990
Bulletin 90-6 Improper Usage of Life and A&H Guaranty Fund Disclosure Form
Oct. 26, 1990
Bulletin 90-7 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota in 1991
Dec. 17, 1990
Bulletin 1988-1 Prima Facie Credit Insurance Rates
Jan. 12, 1988
Bulletin 1988-2 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota in 1989
Jan.5, 1988
Bulletin 1988-3 Recent Legislation Regarding PIP Benefits
April 20, 1988
Bulletin 1988-4 Filing Transmittal Form No. NDPC-100 (6/88)
May 27, 1988
Bulletin 1988-5 Filing of Annual Statements with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Aug. 31, 1988
Bulletin 1988-6 Revision of Filing Transmittal Form
Aug. 30, 1988
Bulletin 1988-7 Standard Premium Rates for Credit Life Insurance
Oct. 10, 1988
Bulletin 1988-8 Adoption of the NAIC Model Rules & Regulations for Medicare Supplement Policies
Oct. 19, 1988
Bulletin 1988-9 Computer Diskettes for NAIC Annual Statement
Nov. 28, 1988
Bulletin 1988-10 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota in 1989
Dec. 19, 1988
Bulletin 1987-1 Prohibited Underwriting Practices
May 8, 1987
Bulletin 1987-2 Book Entry Rules
May 14, 1987
Bulletin 1987-4 1987 Insurance Legislation
May 29, 1987
Bulletin 1987-5 Consent to Rate Guidelines
June 18, 1987
Bulletin 1987-6 Marketing of Companion Hail Policies
May 26, 1987
Bulletin 1987-7 Application of Coverage Requirements to Policies and Certificates
June 22, 1987
Bulletin 1987-8 Mandated Underinsured Motor Vehicle Insurance Coverage
July 29,1987
Bulletin 1986-1 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota in 1986
Jan. 22, 1986
Bulletin 1986-2 Surplus Lines Affidavits (Appendix IV) Pursuant to N.D.C.C. Section 26.1-44-02
March 7, 1986
Bulletin 1986-3 Nursing Home Coverage
March 10, 1986
Bulletin 1986-4 COB Guidelines/Birthday Rule
Aug. 6, 1986
Bulletin 1986-5 Use of Benefit Comparison Charts
Nov. 25, 1986
Bulletin 1986-6 Marketing of Crop Hail Insurance in North Dakota in 1987
Dec. 31, 1986
Bulletin 1985-1 Crop/Hail Insurance Guidelines for 1985 Growing Season
Feb. 11, 1985
Bulletin 1985-2 Rate & Form Filings
March 26, 1985
Bulletin 1985-3
March 28, 1985
Bulletin 1985-4 Comparative Negligence
April 12, 1985
Bulletin 1985-5 Rebates
April 12, 1985
Bulletin 1985-6 HB 1369 - Increase Property Damage Limit, HB 1528 - Increase No-fault Benefits
May 21, 1985
Bulletin 1985-7 North Dakota Requirements for Group Life Trust Filing and Solicitation
Aug. 7, 1985
Bulletin 1985-8 Assignment of Policy Benefits for Recipients of Medicaid
Aug. 19, 1985
Bulletin 1985-9 Discrimination in the Area of Auto Insurance
Oct. 28, 1985
Bulletin 1985-10 Deceptive and Misleading Advertising by Agents and Companies
Nov. 29, 1985
Bulletin 1984-1 Agents' Licensing Procedure
Jan. 9, 1984
Bulletin 1984-2 Chapter 32-12.1 - Political Subdivision Coverage
Nov. 26, 1984
Bulletin 1983-1
Jan. 19, 1983
Bulletin 1983-2 Automobile Repairs - Selected Shops
Jan. 19, 1983
Bulletin 1983-3 Crop-Hail Guidelines
Jan. 21, 1983
Bulletin 1983-4 Corp/Hail Guidelines
April 4, 1983
Bulletin 1983-5
April 14, 1983
Bulletin 1983-6 Comparative Negligence
July 15, 1983
Bulletin 1983-7 Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Chapter 26-26.1 (S.B. 2499) Effective July 1, 1983
Aug. 1, 1983
Bulletin 1983-8
Dec. 1, 1983
Bulletin 1982-1 Agents' Licensing
June 24, 1982
Bulletin 1982-2 Agents' Licensing (Unlicensed Brokering)
July 9, 1982
Bulletin 1982-3 Bulleting 82-2
Aug. 17, 1982
Bulletin 1982-4 Replacement of Life Insurance & Annuities
Aug. 17, 1982
Bulletin 1982-5 1976 Nationwide Marine Definition
Sept. 10, 1982
Bulletin 1982-6 Crop-hail Guidelines
Oct. 4, 1982
Bulletin 1981-1 House Bill - Nursing Home Policy
March 31, 1981
Bulletin 1981-2 Crop-Hail Insurance Guidelines
April 6, 1981
Bulletin 1981-3
April 15, 1981
Bulletin 1981-4
May 20, 1981
Bulletin 1981-5 Health Insurance Pool Legislation
July 10, 1981
Bulletin 1981-6 Binding Intercompany Arbitration
Aug. 10, 1981
Bulletin 25 Crop-hail Insurance Guidelines
Feb. 22, 1979
Bulletin 24 Crop-hail Insurance Guidelines
April 5, 1977
Bulletin 1 Suspension of Insurance - Seasonal Vehicles
Dec. 8, 1975
Bulletin 2 Non-renewal and Cancellation Law - Named Driver Exclusion
Dec. 18, 1975
Bulletin 18 Unclaimed Funds
April 7, 1975
Bulletin 19 Premium Tax - Elimination of Considerations for Annuities
May 12, 1975
Bulletin 20 Chapter 26-39 of North Dakota Century Code, on Mental Illness, Etc.
May 23, 1975
Bulletin 21 Chapter 26-39 of North Dakota Century Code, on Mental Illness and Addiction
Sept. 2, 1975
Bulletin 17 Scope of Uninsured Motorist Coverage
Oct. 25, 1974
Bulletin 13 Crop-hail Insurance Guidelines
March 9, 1973
Bulletin 13a Crop-hail Insurance Guidelines (Amending Bulletin 13)
April 10, 1973
Bulletin 14 Unclaimed Funds
May 31, 1973
Bulletin 15 Execution of Reciprocal or Inter-insurance Contracts
Nov. 5, 1973
Bulletin 16 Co-ordination of Benefits Under Group Coverages
Nov. 27, 1973
Bulletin 4 Workmens' Compensation Exclusions in Health Insurance Policies and Contracts
April 3, 1970
Bulletin 5 Participation in Mortgage Loans
July 31, 1970
Bulletin 6 Replacement of Life Insurance and Annuities
Aug. 24, 1970
Bulletin Life Insurance for College Students Under Premium Financing Arrangement
Sept. 8, 1970
Bulletin Annual Pure Endowment Benefit Issued as Part of Life Insurance Policy
Nov. 30, 1970
Bulletin 1 Certificate of Insurance
Jan. 29, 1969
Bulletin 2 Licensing of Agents
April 21, 1969
Bulletin 3
May 5, 1969