Please read this entire page before starting your renewal application.
In order to maintain an insurance producer license, every individual insurance producer, regardless of continuing education (CE) requirements or exemptions, must biennially by the last day of their birth month:
- Complete a renewal application within 90 days of your license expiration date;
- Pay the $25 fee; and
- If CE is required, have the required number of CE hours on file with the North Dakota Insurance Department.
There is no grace period after the due date. If not renewed before the expiration date, your license and appointments will be canceled and you will have to reapply with an initial application and $100 fee.
Your record must show compliance with CE requirements. CE providers have 15 days from course completion to file the credits with the Department, so courses taken less than 15 days before the expiration date may not be credited in time for license renewal.
Make sure you answer all questions completely and disclose all information requested. You must report anything not previously reported to the Department. In addition to the information requested on the application form, licensed insurance producers are required to report to the Commissioner within 30 days any administrative action or any criminal conviction in any jurisdiction (N.D.C.C. § 26.1-26-45.1). This requirement to report does not allow you to exclude any criminal convictions (Bulletin 2009-2). If you have any questions about what needs to be reported or disclosed, contact the Department before submitting your application.
Visit the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) to submit a renewal application.
Tips for Completing Electronic Renewal
- Your North Dakota license number is your National Producer Number (NPN).
- If you are completing the application for yourself, check the "producer" box. If you are completing the application for someone else, you must identify yourself as an authorized submitter and complete the information requested.
After your application has been approved, you can confirm your new license expiration date through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) State Based Systems (SBS). You can also print your license through SBS. North Dakota no longer mails paper licenses.
The filing fee is $25 and is paid by credit card. Filing electronically will also require a transaction fee which must be paid along with the North Dakota filing fee.