Every insurance company licensed to do business in North Dakota is subject to a premium tax on the gross amount of its annual premiums, membership fees and policy fees received from North Dakota policyholders as reported on the company's North Dakota state page of its annual statement. The premium tax rate is two percent for life insurance and one and three-fourths percent for accident, health, property, casualty and surplus lines of insurance.
The insurance premium tax is administered by the Insurance Commissioner and is collected quarterly and deposited into the State General Fund. North Dakota law provides that properly organized fire districts receive financial assistance in the form of an annual payment administered by the Commissioner.
The 68th legislature provided a continuing appropriation for the 23-25 Biennium. This means the full 1.75% of the gross premium collected for the prior year is allocated to qualified fire districts in North Dakota based on the relationship of gross premium reported for each fire district to the total gross premiums reported statewide.
Filings must be completed electronically and sent to Rachel Kriege at rkriege@nd.gov.