 Company appointment $10
 Company appointment annual renewal $10
 Consultant's license $100
 Consultant's license annual renewal $25
 Insurance producer license $100
 Insurance producer supplement $0
 Insurance producer continuation (biennial renewal) $25
 Letter of certification $10
 Surplus lines broker's license $100
 Surplus lines broker's license annual renewal $25
 Third party administrator $100
 Third party administrator annual renewal $50
 Life settlement broker $100
 Life settlement broker annual renewal $12
 Life settlement provider application $250
 Life settlement provider annual statement $25
 Life settlement provider annual renewal $100

There are no fees for address changes, name changes, letters of clearance, terminations of appointments and insurance producer supplement (adding a line of authority to an existing license).


Insurance Producer Disclosure Notice - Fees for Insurance Services (SFN 61674)
Form introduced as a result of the passing of House Bill 1144, relating to fees for insurance services, during the 66th Legislative Assembly.